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Childhood Empty Childhood

Pisanie  slavinzing56 Sob Lip 09, 2011 11:38 am

Kohaku was born to Mitsuko and Zomi Kiriyama. Zomi was a relatively insignificant man in Kiriyama politics, strong enough to survive, but not much else. Mitsuko, on the other hand, was exceptionally gifted for a woman. Traditionally, Kiriyama women were much weaker than their male counterparts. However, Mitsuko was more than capable of giving the majority of the men in the clan a run for their money. Despite theoretically being able to marry into one of the families that typically held leadership of the clan, Mitsuko elected to marry Zomi, who she could control far more easily. Mitsuko's ultimate goal was to give birth to a child who could end the constant bickering of the branches of the Kiriyama lineage and unit the clan under a single name.

Her first child, Shuya, was much like his father - capable, but not exceptional. However, the second child, born 3 years later, Kohaku, was exactly what Mitsuko has been hoping for. Brilliant, he had surpassed his elder brother completely by the age of 6, and was at least his father's equal by the time he was 9. Kohaku was raised on a bitter diet of violence, loneliness, and love. His mother isolated him from the rest of his family, as well as the clan, hoping to keep him innoculated from the poisonous mindset of the rest of the family.
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