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The Purge

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The Purge Empty The Purge

Pisanie  slavinzing56 Sob Lip 09, 2011 11:39 am

Unbeknownst to Mitsuko, the Kiriyama clan had been a part of a conspiracy, the ultimate goal of which was to return the Mist to the darker, more violent ways of the Bloody Mist. Mitsuko cared little for village politics, although she had begun to nurture fantasies about Kohaku ascending to the title of Mizukage one day. This dream was shattered, however, when a platoon of Kirigakure ANBU arrived in the dead of night, and butchered the clan. None but the women and girls were spared, left alive to preserve the Bloodline for the mist, under the assumption that they would be easy to subjugate and control. The exception to this was Kohaku. Mitsuko begged for his life, and wouldn't have been succesful had she not convinced the ANBU that he was useless, and had been an embarassment to the clan that she had kept secret from the other members. This was corroborated by the other members of the family, who, for the most part, had neither seen nor heard of the young boy. The survivors, some two or three dozen, were branded with the clan's mark, and allowed to live.

Kohaku understood, but cared little for this development. Mitsuko had been his only contact with the outside world, and she was permitted to remain with him. He was allowed to, for the first time, live a semi-normal life, Mitsuko being far more comfortable sharing her son with the girls and women of the clan, most of whom shared her views about clan politics. His mother had become the de facto clan head, and he was fast overtaking her in power. Whispers began to circulate amidst the clan that he would become a messiah figure to them, bringing Kiriyama to glory, absolving them of their past crimes. Unfortunately, the Mizukage caught wind of these rumors too.
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