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I'm stronger

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I'm stronger Empty I'm stronger

Pisanie  slavinzing56 Sob Lip 09, 2011 4:15 pm

There is a difference between those that drive at 85% and those that drive at 95%. The 15% remaining is the capacity and motivation that comes out of you.
"Since 2007, I'm a stronger driver and I'm stronger mentally. It will be the same this time when I recover physically."
Kubica said he was still trying to piece together the sequence of events that led to his accident, where a guard-rail penetrated the front of his car, causing his injuries.

When he arrived in hospital he had only one litre of blood. "Call the boy's parents," the doctors told me on Sunday afternoon. I felt a chill in my spine
Kubica's agent Daniele Morelli
"I really don't know what happened because I don't remember anything of the accident," Kubica explained.
"I just found myself in hospital and my agent Daniele Morelli has explained everything to me.
"I am saddened with what has happened. It should not have happened.
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Registration date : 08/07/2011

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