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Alvaro Quiros

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Alvaro Quiros Empty Alvaro Quiros

Pisanie  slavinzing56 Sob Lip 09, 2011 4:16 pm

"I've only seen him on TV and TV doesn't really do justice sometimes. But he can move it out there."
Ryder Cup captains past and present, Colin Montgomerie and Jose Maria Olazabal, were paired together.
Montgomerie racked up six bogeys in a 76 and Olazabal dropped four shots in as many holes having been two under after three, finishing one over.
Cup stalwart Miguel Angel Jimenez and power hitter Alvaro Quiros, like Kaymer, also saw shots ricochet into the water off the hospitality units, packed in tightly alongside the ninth and 18th greens.
David Howell, who won this tournament in 1999 when it was staged at the Dubai Creek course, recorded a hole-in-one at the seventh, the 19th in the history of the event, and won first-class airline tickets.
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Registration date : 08/07/2011

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