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Carpet Installation Quotes.

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Carpet Installation Quotes. Empty Carpet Installation Quotes.

Pisanie  jukido Sro Lip 20, 2011 4:30 pm

Carpet Installation Quotes.
Why have we built this website we hear you ask? Well, it's quite simple really. We're people too!
What we mean is, we're fed up with calling numerous Carpet Fitter companies, some of whom are trading under different names, to get quotes when what we would rather do is fill in one form and get the quotes given to us.
So, off we went and made this site. It's quite simple really and so is the process.
How does it work?
Well, we have a database of Carpet Fitting companies all over the UK who are just waiting to provide quotes for your carpet installation. You don't pay to use our service, it's all free!
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Registration date : 20/07/2011

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