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the bucket

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the bucket Empty the bucket

Pisanie  Mrblack0301 Sob Lip 23, 2011 6:08 am

there were three frogs in a bucket an old man frog a young man frog and a girl frog and they were stuck in a bucket and they cant get out so the girl frog says oh my god i got to get out of this bucket so the old man frog says ill show u how to get out of this bucket and she says you will.HOW? if you give me a little ill tell ya. ok if i have to to get out of here.and so she gives it to him. thwn she says ok now how do i get out and he says i dont know.the young man frog says listen i can get u out of here she says really he says yes i swear i can get you out but first u have to give me a little so she says ok and she gives him a little and says now how do you think she got out Answer: if you give me a little ill tell you

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Registration date : 17/07/2011

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