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Chicken Sandwhiches

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Chicken Sandwhiches Empty Chicken Sandwhiches

Pisanie  Mrblack0301 Pon Lip 25, 2011 3:43 pm

2 chidren both in grade three ate chicken sandwhiches everday for lunch. partway through the year both children recognized this similarity and became friends. They were friends up untill grade six when one day the little girl all of a sudden stop eating chicken sandwhiches. The boy confronted her and said why are you not eating chicken sandwhiches I am not going to be your friend no more. The girl replies" i had to", " i started to grow feathers down there". The little boy said let me see. The little girl pulled down her pants and showed him the little boy quickly sain yaah you better stop. The little boy and girl remand friends. The boy ate chicken and the girl ate what ever. all of a sudden the little boy stoped eating his chicken sandwhiches as well. the little girl wondered why and asked him. the little boy replied i started to grow hair down there as well. the little girl said let me see the little boy showed her. she said its to late you already have the neck and gauld to.

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