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Pig with an artificial leg

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Pig with an artificial leg Empty Pig with an artificial leg

Pisanie  Mrblack0301 Sro Sie 10, 2011 10:24 am

A man was driving by a farm when he saw a pig with an artificial leg. Not quite sure of what he was seeing, he decided to stop and ask. He went up to the farm house and knocked on the door. The farmer answered the door and the man said, " I was driving by and saw the pig with the artificial leg and I just had to find out why does that pig have an artificial leg!" "Well" the farmer answered, "that is a really special pig. The house was on fire and that pig saved our lives. He is just a really special pig." "But why the artificial leg?" asked the man. "Well," the farmer replied,"a pig that special you wouldn't eat all at once.!"

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Registration date : 17/07/2011

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